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Những bức ảnh thuở thiếu thời của “siêu mẫu ngực khủng” Kate Upton

( – Đã khẳng định được chỗ đứng trong giới người mẫu, vốn được biết tới là “siêu mẫu ngực khủng” Kate Upton được rất nhiều fan hâm mộ biết tới. Tuy vậy, ít ai biết tới những hình ảnh thuở 15 tuổi của Kate Upton. Mới đây, tạp chí Vongue đã công bố những shoot hình rất sexy và quyến rũ không kém so với sắc đẹp hiện nay của người mẫu kiêm diễn viên người Mỹ. 

>>>Kate Upton diện bikini lộ vòng 1 “siêu khủng”

>>>Kate Upton “nóng rẫy” với bikini

>>>Siêu mẫu 9X Kate Upton ước “núi đôi” nhỏ đi

kat-up kat-up-2 Plus-size model superstar, Kate Upton has become famous for her sexy curves and killer confidence, but photographer, Steven Burton reveals never-before-seen photos he took of the young model at the age of 15 before she developed into her curvaceous figure kat-up-4 kat-up-5 kat-up-6 kat-up-7 kat-up-8 kat-up-9 kat-up-10 Plus-size model superstar, Kate Upton has become famous for her sexy curves and killer confidence, but photographer, Steven Burton reveals never-before-seen photos he took of the young model at the age of 15 before she developed into her curvaceous figure kat-up-12 kat-up-13 kat-up-14 kat-up-15 kat-up-16 kat-up-17 Plus-size model superstar, Kate Upton has become famous for her sexy curves and killer confidence, but photographer, Steven Burton reveals never-before-seen photos he took of the young model at the age of 15 before she developed into her curvaceous figure kat-up-19 kat-up-20 kat-up-21 Plus-size model superstar, Kate Upton has become famous for her sexy curves and killer confidence, but photographer, Steven Burton reveals never-before-seen photos he took of the young model at the age of 15 before she developed into her curvaceous figure Plus-size model superstar, Kate Upton has become famous for her sexy curves and killer confidence, but photographer, Steven Burton reveals never-before-seen photos he took of the young model at the age of 15 before she developed into her curvaceous figure Plus-size model superstar, Kate Upton has become famous for her sexy curves and killer confidence, but photographer, Steven Burton reveals never-before-seen photos he took of the young model at the age of 15 before she developed into her curvaceous figure kat-up-25


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